Welcome back to my write-up by solving Pico CTF’s RE challenge called ARMassembly-2.
First of all, in order to analyze the file, we are going to use vim editor, but you can use whatever editor you want.
You should check my write-up of ARMassembly-0 to understand this solution.
sub sp, sp, #32
str w0, [sp, 12]
str wzr, [sp, 24]
str wzr, [sp, 28]
b .L2
Everything looks same is it not ?, but there is something new called wzr
. Let me do the explanation briefly:
The zero register (WZR/XZR) is used for a few encoding tricks. For example, there is no plain multiply encoding, just multiply-add. The instruction MUL W0, W1, W2 is identical to MADD W0, W1, W2, WZR which uses the zero register.
Thus it holds 0 register. Now you can write as follows:
*(stack+12) = 4189673334
*(stack+24) = 0
*(stack+28) = 0
We can solve this equatiuon mathematically, do not we ?
After this process we can see that b
–> branche
is being used which is in assembly x86 (jump) so it will be jumping to .L2
L2 Function
ldr w1, [sp, 28]
ldr w0, [sp, 12]
cmp w1, w0
bcc .L3
ldr w0, [sp, 24]
add sp, sp, 32
We can see that 0 loads to 1
and our user's input loads W0
and now it compares. We can say; if loop
After understanding this function it will be easy to understand L3
lets dive into function L3
L3 function
ldr w0, [sp, 24] ;w0 = *(stack+24)
add w0, w0, 3 ;*(stack+24) = *(stack+24) + 3
str w0, [sp, 24]
ldr w0, [sp, 28]
add w0, w0, 1 ;*(stack+28) = *(stack+28) + 1
str w0, [sp, 28]
I have specifically added comments to make it understandable for the beginners. Let me explain the solution progress..
The loop tells us that the condition should be true to be returned to the main function, so as to make this true we need to understand L3
L3 function tells us:
Load the value from stack + 24 into w0 and add 3 to it. Store this value in stack + 24. Next load the value from stack + 28 into w0
Add a1 to it. Store this value in stack + 28. And we will do this, until (stack + 28 > stack + 12).
We can experiment that, we can do a multiplication process to the user’s inputted value 4189673334
or you can just add 3 constantly to the added value by the user.
We are knowing that we need to do a multiplication to the added value by the user. In order to get the right answer need to do few things to be completed.
1. 4189673334 x 3 = 12,569,020,002
2. Translate this answer to hex.
3. we can get the right result if you calculate scientifically.
The flag: PicoCTF{ED2C0662}