Hello Friend đ
So Welcome again to the second part of the âBlue Team Bootcamp Seriesâ. In this part, weâre to cover the common WEB Attacks such as XSS, IDOR, Command Injection & RFI/LFI Attacks that all Blue Teamers face in their journey.
Note: Thereâs no sequence in all of the parts of this series so itâs up to you to decide which topic to learn first & so on.

The most common & old but deadly attack in WEB World is SQL injection
Prerequisite: Basic knowledge about How Attackers Exploit SQLi injection vulnerability is preferred
But first, letâs understand:
Why Blue Teamer Should know about WEB Attacks?
It is no surprise that attackers choose web applications as a gateway for their attacks because all institutions have web applications that mostly contain critical data and because modern-day applications are highly complicated and have numerous attack vectors.
A study conducted by Acunetix reimburses this idea.
âRecent research shows that 75% of cyber attacks are done at the web application level.â
Hope my stats convince you to learn about WEB Attacks. Now letâs dive.
What is SQL Injection (SQLi)?
SQL Injections are critical attacks where a web application directly includes unsanitized data/input provided by the user in SQL queries & executes them.
When a web application communicates with a database using input from a user that hasnât been properly validated, there runs the potential of an attacker being able to steal, delete or alter private and company data.
SQL Injection Types
1. In-band SQLi: If a SQL query is sent and replied to over the same channel, we call these In-band SQLi.
2. Inferential or Blind SQLi: SQL queries that receive a reply that cannot be seen are called Inferential or Blind SQLi.
3. Out-of-band SQLi: If the reply to a SQL query is communicated over a different channel then this type of SQLi is called Out-of-band SQLi. For example, if the attacker is receiving replies to his SQL queries over the DNS this is called an out-of-band SQLi.
Detecting SQL Injection Attacks
- When examining a web request check all areas that come from the user:Â SQLi attacks are not limited to the form areas, you should also check the HTTP Request Headers like User-Agent.
- Look for SQL keywords:Â Look for words like INSERT, SELECT, WHERE within the data received from users.
- Check for special characters:Â Look for â, dashes (-), or parentheses which are used in SQL or special characters that are frequently used in SQL attacks within the data received from the user.
- Familiarize yourself with frequently used SQL Injection payloads: Even though SQL payloads change according to the web application (database), attackers still use some common payloads to check for SQL Injection vulnerabilities. If you are familiar with these payloads, you can easily detect SQL Injection payloads. You can see some frequently used SQL Injection payloads here.
Detecting Automated SQL Injection Tools
Attackers use many automated devices to detect SQL Injection. One of the most well-known is Sqlmap.
You may use the methods listed below to detect SQL Injection Automated tools:
- Look at the User-Agent: Automated browser devices generally have their names and versions recorded. You can look at the User-Agent to detect these automated devices.
- Check the frequency of requests: Automated devices were designed to send an estimated amount of many requests per second to be able to test payloads as quickly as possible. A normal user could send 1 request per second, so you can tell if the requests are made by an automated device or not by looking at the number of requests per second.
- Look at the contents of the payload: Automated devices usually record their own names in their payloads. For example, a SQL Injection payload sent by an automated device could look like this: sqlmapâ OR 1=1
SQL Injection (In-Band) Detection Example
We have the web serverâs access logs of a web application that was victim to a SQL Injection attack.
- First we perform URL decoding using cyber chef to understand properly
Browsers perform a URL encoding of the special characters and replace each special character with a character string that begins with % and has 2 hexadecimal characters in it.

We can see on 1 march at 8:35:14 the attacker with IP ( first sends an SQLi payload to test if SQLi vulnerability exists.
Attacker found out that itâs vulnerable. The id parameter is passing without any sanitization. We can confirm this by looking at the response size 607 returned from the first payload. Look closely the normal size of data returned from the server is usually 4200-4900 here but when the attacker sends the first payload the response size drop to the lowest which means the server returns an error (which can be an SQL syntax error).

- Now weâve confirmed that the SQLi attack occurred & it was successful as payloads such as âOR 1=1 â -, UNION select null, version() & other return normal response size which means the serverâs executing the payload & showing the result such as database version from version() payload & user database from user() payload to the attacker.
Investigation Report
What date did the exploitation phase of the SQL Injection Attack start?
What is the IP address of the attacker who performed the SQL Injection attack?
What method does the attacker use is it automated (tool) or manual?
Manual because the request rate difference between each payload is 1 to 2.5 minutes & also user-agent is legit,
What was the parameter vulnerable to SQL injection?
Was the SQL Injection attack successful?
Yes, the attacker can execute any malicious SQL payload on the server.
What is the type of SQL Injection attack?
In-Band or Classic
How to Prevent/Mitigate SQL Injections (SQLi)
- Check the OWASP Cheatsheet
- Check out this article