Did you use a wireless or mouse?, This is another cyber risk on Mouse, you might be aware of other attack but you need to know about “MouseJacking”.
According to a team of security researchers at Bastille, an IoT security start-up, the devices can be hijacked and used by hackers to steal data or compromise a network. The vulnerabilities can be hijacked from the range of up to 100meters away using USB Wireless Interception Tool dongle cost $15 in 2016 but it’s worth $25 ~ $30 at Amazon. Now which the attacks worth a $billion dollars.
How it works:
The attacker identifies a target wireless mouse by listening for RF packets transmitted through the air and intercepts the information when a user is moving/clicking the mouse
This can involce downloading a malicious app or rootkit, transferring files off of the victim’s computer, or anything else the attacker could do.
According to Bastille, Apple Macintosh and Linux desktop users with wireless dongles also could be vulnerable to the attack.
Demos on MouseJacking:
Dongle tools on Amazon :-
Lock your screen whenever you walk away
If you use a wireless mouse or keyboard, check with the manufacturer to find out if yours is affected.
Keep the wireless devices up to date
#JackingInCyberspace25 #Cybersecurity #Cybersecurityawareness #Cyberattack
Abdul Basit Rotimi