When people hear about hacking, there are different connotations to it- but the common interpretations of the term hacking in many people’s heads are negative
To a lot of people, the term hacking has become synonymous with a cybercriminal, and that is not always the case.
There are large numbers of responsible hackers or ethical hackers across the world who use their knowledge of hacking ethically & to actually do good.
It’s the black hats (malicious hackers) that often tarnish the reputation of the term hacking just like how there are also morons who have tarnished the name of their country
A few months ago,
Through my Facebook profile link [https://facebook.com/coyemerald1], I requested public opinion about hacking/hackers

I appreciate those who responded to it.
Today, Mon, Nov 14, 2022
I’m resharing it again here to discuss what whitehat hacking is, and the worthwhile information about the ethical hackers
In many parts of the world, hacking refers to the use of technical skills/knowledge to gain unauthorized access to a system or network, but in some countries, it has been mistaken by large numbers of people as nothing but “ILLEGAL” or EVIL
And as the world has become more dependent on the use of the Internet -digital, it’s important to focus on protecting a business or personal digital assets hosted in cyberspace just like it’s also necessary to protect physical belongings.
In general, Hackers are persons or entities that try to access someone else’s digital property without authorization
Having said “without authorization” seems like an almost clear reason why many people have also defined hackers as cyber criminals.
As a Muslim hacker,
It’s written somewhere and accepted by almost all Muslims anywhere in the world that “innamal a’malu bi’nniyat” which means: Actions are dependent upon their Intentions- Noble prophet said
And in the case of hacking too, hacking can also be described with the intent and it must be distinguished to determine the category of the hacker to be a bad or good hacker.
Hacking can lead to damage and blackmail, as it can also lead to improvements in digital security. the actual point is the intent of the hackers to determine whether they are ethical hackers or malicious hackers — Blackhat.
White hat hackers are the kinds of hackers that discover simple or complex security flaws in any digital assets with or without authorization BUT he/she does not & will not maliciously abuse/exploit the discoveries.
As one of the responsible hackers across the world, I know and understand very well that, there are lots of security vulnerabilities, even with critical security impacts, that can be accidentally found — without the use of any automated hacking program and even without hunting for them.
So, it is wrong to judge an ethical hacker for contacting the vendor/organization simply because a vendor does NOT have a vulnerability disclosure- VDP
Any skilled person who by any verifiable methods/techniques came across a potential loophole in a website, application, or network system and responsibly report such issues to the appropriate asset owner is NOT a cybercriminal and nobody will arrest such a person for doing that.
This is one of my personal beliefs that gave me less worry (fear) to contact and report my findings to one of the security departments in my country i.e. Nigeria
And I appreciate the entire members of the company “NPF C4i” especially — Prince Olumuyiwa Adejobi, ACP Markus , & Mr Mahruf
Again, My Forever Thank You to them, for not discouraging me 👏

For those who may be wondering about how possible it is to be making money without abusing the knowledge of hacking,
The fact is, making money legitimately or illegitimately is not cheap at all, so, don’t let anybody tells you otherwise, not even bug bounty hunting is easy 😂
Everything has its own price!
For good hackers,
Bug Bounty Hunting, Penetration Testing, Malware Analyzing, and others similar to these are among the very useful and profitable careers for ethical hackers
And as you might have read about me, I have never attended any institution before — maybe because I do not believe in “hacking certifications” & I’m not writing these to condemn whoever has chosen to obtain any certificate in hacking
But be more focused on improving your skills than obtaining a signatory from even the Internet noobs — with branded name😆
To anyone reading these,
If ethical hacking is your profession, there’s actually no limit as to what kind of organization you could work for and what heights you could reach & In order to become a professional in this “ethical hacking” field, you have to get started 🗣
Learn, study and understand how a system was built and thus — its security.
By understanding all these, you will find how to exploit them, but always do this responsibly!
Beyond my reasons,
Ethical hacking cannot be considered “illegal” in any way- Ethical hackers are security experts helping to build a safer internet.
Dear online business owners- especially in Africa,
Finding a professional hacker (s) in Africa to address your concern is not difficult at all,
“Coy Emerald Oluwadamilare” is one of those you are looking for 🗣
White hat hackers are unique individuals with special talents in exploiting cybersecurity-related vulnerabilities. They do it ethically and they can really help you out when it comes to making your business, website, or app more secure.
If this is a career that interests you — you can always reach out to me with the below contact information
Thank You For Reading , My Name Is Coy Emerald! ✌
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